let’s do this thing.


what do you guys do?

ELE Marketing will help you capture the attention of your target audience who are looking for a business like yours. We will implement a plan to help gain eyes and leads from various sources, such as Instagram and Facebook, Pinterest, etc. We will create content based on your goals and provide a unified branding / templates that will allow you to increase postings on all social/email campaigns. Our goal is to give you a proposal that ranges from complete social media content management to consulting / editing

services include:


  • We would create a brand guide that implements an updated logo, an official color scheme, branding to use for social media templates | stories and feed posts. As well as website consultation / email graphics if needed.

  • We would create photo / video content as well as take ahold of trending content to ensure an increase of exposure to your brand targeting the correct target audience. We would enhance hashtag strategy on all social media platforms and do an intensive competitor research audit.

  • We would curate a custom social media package that is tailored to your needs and will work together to ensure all social needs are met.